How Personalize Nutrition Works For You?
Personalized Nutrition is the thorough understanding of which group of food items, combinations, and nutrients your body responds to well than other people. One food item which may benefit an individual, might not benefit another individual or help both when consumed in different portions.

Personalize nutrition is the emerging diet venture, to escort your health to the next level.
It is the thorough understanding of which group of food items, combinations, and nutrients your body responds to well than other people.
It works on the basis that each individual is different both genetically and physiologically and demands different nutrition to keep the functioning of all organs in order.
For instance, one food item which may benefit an individual, might not benefit another individual or help both when consumed in different portions. Even identical twins respond differently to the same food.
It primarily involves the complete assessment of your body parameters by a physician or connected health devices and understanding the body requirements before coming up with a personalized diet plan by a nutritionist.
A better understanding of the body’s response allows offering the best-personalized recommendations of foods for you. It can benefit everyone, regardless of the health risk.
How Personalize Nutrition Works For You?
1. Manage Food Allergies

Food allergies are regular health disorders that need serious attention. These are the body’s biochemical responses to a particular food. Even the smallest quantity of foods, such as milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish, are sufficient to initiate IgE-mediated allergic reactions in the body.
If you are allergic to these foods, these can provoke severe reactions, including itching, swelling, whizzing, dizziness, and nausea. A considerable amount of the population is often allergic to tree nuts and peanuts. Until the last decade, peanut allergy was very prevalent and resulted in the exclusion of all types of nuts from the diet, in order to avoid the risk of reactivity.
Children with food allergies are at higher risk of insufficient protein, calories, vitamins, and minerals intake, which can impair their growth.
However, proper clinical detection of food allergies followed by personalized dietary management can help avoid the reoccurrence of food allergies.
Personalized nutrition allows you to actively consume all tolerated nuts and guide you with appropriate portions. This allows you to add a wide range of foods and packaged products to your diet, which you had been avoiding.
2. Manage Food Intolerance

Sometimes we might feel uneasy after having a meal but we might not be able to figure out the root cause for that uneasiness. In that case, there are chances that your body might be intolerant to any particular ingredient that you are not aware of.
Bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, runny nose, whizzing, or joint pain are a few symptoms that indicate that you are intolerant to certain food. You might not even notice the symptoms till you suffer critical ones.
This condition is very different from food allergy. It often affects only the digestive system and its symptoms are also less severe than food allergies.
Intolerance to certain foods limited you from the pleasure of eating and most of the time, it is difficult to find safe foods.
Gluten intolerance is the most popular one that disturbs the gastrointestinal tract and leads to poor absorption of nutrients and poor growth in children.
Lactose intolerance is another popular one that restricts you to have dairy products.
However, the intolerant population can seek benefits from personalized nutrition that offers a variety of substitutes and helps prepare your body to incorporate intolerant foods.
3. Keeps a Track of Gut Microbiota

Personalized nutrition also plays an important role in shaping your gut microbiota. The gut microbiota not only constitutes bacteria but fungi, parasites, and viruses are also located silently in the gut. These are designated as supporting organs for the host because they play a significant role in promoting the normal functioning of the human body.
Gut microbes affect the host's nutritional status through their role in digesting food with digestive enzymes they release and ensuring the availability of nutrients to the host. The diet we consume determines what kinds of microbiota live in our colon.
Consequently, introducing microbiota through personalize nutrition can contribute to fulfilling nutritional requirements to conquer malnutrition and disease.1
However, gut microbiota in adults varies dramatically from person to person. This signifies that every individual has their own functional capacity that differs from the rest of the population.
Some individuals might already have the necessary community of microbiomes to perform the desired function, while others might lack them completely.
While, a personalized nutritional approach, in which an individual’s microbiome is screened thoroughly to determine the presence and abundance of functions, allows for a more precise characterization of the needs as well as a more elaborated follow-up of progression.
Aiding your gut with personalized nutrition will help you able to digest food better with maximum absorption of available nutrients.
4. Intervention for Nutrition-Based Chronic Diseases

Personalized nutrition interventions also can also benefit many therapeutic strategies for the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases including Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Thyroid, PCOD, Eating disorders, and even Neurological Disorders.
A lot of factors are involved in specifying a personalized nutritional therapy. For example, a patient with one or more chronic diseases, underlying nutrient deficiency, or exhibiting disease symptoms will be directed to a tailored dietary plan by a nutritionist that will include or exclude certain foods to support the healthy functioning of the respective organ.
The personalized nutrition approach including plant-based diets can lower blood pressure in adults regardless of hypertension.
Likewise, personalized nutrition including the low-FODMAP diet can relieve the symptom severity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet is recommended in the patients to reduce cognitive decline, reduced the risk of dementia, and provide relief from long-term headaches.
Personalized nutrition, recommends such dietary interventions to meet the nutritional demands of each patient in their health journey.
5. Empower your Health Goals

Connected health devices in combination with personalized nutrition can help you set and accomplish health goals.
These devices collect, store, and analyze real-time assessment data. This information can be directly shared with doctors and dieticians who will assess the data in-depth and then advise on nutritional needs, considering cultural, personal preferences, and genetic profiles.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology is another dietary management based on machine learning to create diet plans that suit your digestive system by analyzing your metabolism to recommend an ideal meal.
A regular track of your body metrics followed by AI health plans can help in weight loss, manage irritable bowel syndrome and Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid, and even PCOD.
Personalize nutrition is not only limited to providing nutritional guidance but also guides you with physical activity and lifestyle alterations for best results.
This will improvise your personal eating habits, improve body measurements, weight, and cholesterol levels, and inculcate a healthy lifestyle.
Not all people having a risk factor ultimately develop a particular disease; yet, the chances of developing the disease are more with risk factors.
Also, a disease's progress over a prolonged period of time takes time to resolve properly.
Therefore, personalized nutrition-based interventions use your body’s metrics to create nutrition strategies individually that help to prevent, manage, or treat a disease and promote sustainable health.
The dietary patterns involved in personalized health are more relevant to your daily life. Therefore, the changes are more effective and lasting.
The health plans on DrTrust360 are therapeutic and available for modification based on your health needs. We focused on personalizing nutrition and creating effective and sustainable nutrition-based strategies to promote lasting health at your ease.